Sunday, 29 January 2023

I am Devansh Mody and here are a few of my links which contain my public work and different ways to connect with me I am looking forward to like-minded people starting an opensource startup and revolutionalize the tech to make it more public opinionated and public-driven development of features.

Research gate:
Research gate:
Science Direct:
Mendeley Data:
Bachelor Engineering: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Rocket Reach:

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

configure confluent single node in ubuntu

following are steps to install and configure confluent kafka,ksql,zookkeeper etc:-
1)go to confluent website and click on download
2)sign and download zip file or tar file
3)unzip the file in the folder i extracted in /home directory
4)then to configure for sinngle node create two folder zookeeper and kafka-logs
5)change path in datadir of and give path of newly created zookeeper and kafka-logs folder in respective files
6)look the attached file for more reference
7)then start zookeeper first the kafka
8)go to bin directory inside the confluent folder there you will find all the .sh files
9)run this command to start servies
10)./zookeeper-server-start  /home/devansh/confluent-5.5.1/etc/kafka/
  /home/devansh/confluent-5.5.1/etc/kafka/ this path is the of zookeeper       properties file this is the whole command path will change depending upon youre installaton
11)similarly one can start the other services:-
     ./kafka-server-start /home/devansh/confluent-5.5.1/etc/kafka/
     ./schema-registry-start /home/devansh/confluent-5.5.1/etc/schema-registry/schema-   
    ./ksql-server-start /home/devansh/confluent-5.5.1/etc/ksqldb/
12)test the working after installation and configuration
#create topic
./kafka-topics --create --topic first-topic --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --zookeeper localhost:2181

#send message
./kafka-console-producer --topic first-topic --broker-list localhost:9092

#read message
./kafka-console-consumer --topic first-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning#create topic
./kafka-topics --create --topic first-topic --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --zookeeper localhost:2181

#send message
./kafka-console-producer --topic first-topic --broker-list localhost:9092

#read message
./kafka-console-consumer --topic first-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning
13)one can also use telnet command to ping and check if service is running or not
14)telnet localhost:9002
15)also check my youtube channel for the video of installing and configuration
16)check out the video too on my channel

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

download spotify premium apk and download songs offiline for free

click on this link to download the spotify premium apk and download songs for free

  • first click on the link below 
  • then go on that page and scroll down 
  • click on download where /MOD is there and wola you can download songs for free

Friday, 26 October 2018

prank your friends

hey you want to prank your friends with bulk sms or messages download this app called bomitup click here to download the app

Monday, 15 October 2018

alternative of terrium tv is here

here is the alternative of terrium tv click on below link to download watch your favourite movie shows and tv shows for free via this app. this app is available for both ios and android.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Download this app called Spotify from the link given below and use Facebook id for login

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Download this apk and you can download or watch online any show any tv series ,online series for free and do follow or subscribe to my blog for more updates

I am Devansh Mody and here are a few of my links which contain my public work and different ways to connect with me I am looking forward to ...